Invasive Species
Invasive Plants in Nanaimo

Nanaimo has many invasive plant species, however, the City of Nanaimo has outline a few ‘priority’ invasive plants which are actively removed from parks and other public land.

Priority Invasive Plants

Invasive Animal Species in Nanaimo

Nanaimo also has several invasive animal species, however, removal of these species can be more complicated than removal of invasive plant species due to social and ethical factors.

The American Bullfrog eats native frogs, outcompetes them for food, and spreads infectious diseases like chytridiomycosis, driving over 100 native frog species to extinction. Several community-based eradication committees have been established across the island to rid local ponds of the American Bullfrog, however, work parties have had limited success removing them entirely from local areas.¹

RabbitEasternCottontail_003While the eradication of the American Bullfrog is met with little opposition, removal of other (often cuter) invasive animals is more difficult. The invasive Eastern Cottontail Rabbit is able to drastically change ecosystems. Rabbits damage plants, including oak seedlings and wild flowers. They kill shrubs and trees by eating the bark and exposed roots, and can overgraze an area. With an increase in rabbits, predators prosper, disrupting nature’s balance. They can also carry parasites and diseases such as tularaemia (“Rabbit Fever”) that can infect humans.

The University of Victoria was faced with a public relations disaster when it tried to cull over a thousand rabbits that had taken over the campus. Due to public pressure, the university relocated most of their rabbits, and culled the rest to maintain a population of only about 200 animals.²

A few other invasive animal species:

Introduced Species
Introduced Plants in Nanaimo

Nanaimo is also home to several types on non-invasive introduced plants. Several of these plants are found in people’s gardens, as brightly coloured and fragnant flowers have been brought over from all over the globe.

The Japanese Water Iris is believed to have been brought over from Japan many years ago. The Japanese Water Iris’s vibrant purple leaves make it a beautiful addition to any garden, while not negatively impacting any native plant or animal species.

The Invasive Species Council of BC has developed a list of ‘alternative plants’ which are ‘expert recommended’ exotic or native plants for gardeners to choose instead of invasive plants. See the list here.

Introduced Animal Species in Nanaimo

Non-invasive introduced animal species include most types of livestock which are grown and consumed in British Columbia, as well as many companion animals. What decides whether an animal is invasive or not is reflected in the benefits and enjoyment we receive from alien species as well as the potential economic and environmental costs when they become invasive and result in undesirable outcomes.

Some animal species introduced to BC may be actually beneficial to the ecosystem. The Varnish clam is an alien species originally from Korea, China and Southern Japan that is suspected to have been introduced into the Pacific coastal waters via ballast water from ships. Recent studies suggest that the Varnish clam may be an important food source for a species of high conservation concern, then Black Oystercatcher.

Emily Tranfield, a VIU student writes in her research project:

How You Can Help

The Invasive Species Council of British Columbia has several programs to encourage the community to help stop the spread of invasive plants and animals:

PlantWise is a consumer and industry education program designed to build understanding of the problems caused by invasive species, increasing demand for non-invasive plants, and to support the horticulture industry’s transition to becoming free of invasive species.

Clean Drain Dry
Clean Drain Dry encourages you to ‘clean drain dry’ all boats and equipment to help reduce the spread of invasive plants and organisms to BC waters.

Don’t Let it Loose
Water gardeners, aquarium and terrarium owners can select from a variety of aquatic plants, invertebrates, reptiles and fish. Unfortunately, some of these species have the potential to become invasive. Pets that become too much for an owner to care for are sometimes let loose into nearby water or woods—Don’t Let it Loose!

Play Clean Go
PlayCleanGo is an education and outreach campaign for outdoor recreationalists that encourages outdoor recreation while protecting our valuable natural resources. The objective is to slow or stop the spread of terrestrial invasive species (those that occur on land) through changes in our behaviour. PlayCleanGo is designed to foster actions that interrupt recreational pathways of spread for invasive species. ISCBC is a PlayCleanGo partner, a program launched with a group of interagency partners in Minnesota, including the University of Minnesota Extension, Minnesota departments of Agriculture and Transportation, and Explore Minnesota, the Minnesota Department of…learn more

Buy it Where you Burn it
BC’s forests are threatened by non-native insects that can kill large numbers of trees, and new infestations of tree-killing insects and diseases are often first found in campgrounds and parks. Two examples of introduced insects—emerald ash borer and Asian longhorned beetle (PDF poster)—are wood-infesting species that can be transported long distances in firewood. Once transported into new areas, these insects can become established and kill local trees. One of the most important things we can do to protect trees is stop moving invasive pests and diseases to new areas on firewood. …learn more

Invasive species are threatening BC’s aquatic and riparian ecosystems, such as streams, lakes, and wetlands, and the species that rely on them. They spread alarmingly fast between waterbodies and can create lasting ecological and economic damage, especially to the recreational areas that we enjoy.

Community Weed Pulls
The Communities Pulling Together program enables volunteer groups to learn about and remove local invasive plants. Participants gain hands-on experience by helping to remove an invasive plant infestation in their community.

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