Latest Past Events
Lego Robotics After School Club
Nanaimo Science 3200 North Island Highway, NanaimoDoes your kid love LEGO? Register for this drop-off program where children are able to build and program LEGO creations using drag and drop programming. Sets available include WeDo, Boost and Mindstorms. Students will have the opportunity to build at their own pace and keep working on projects from one week... Read more
K-7 Homeschool Program
This program is intended for children in Kindergarten to Grade 3. The dates and times of special events may vary, so please double check the schedule before purchasing. The sessions on Oct. 8 and Nov. 26 will be combined with the older group, so these sessions will be 1.5 hours. Please note... Read more
Lego Robotics After School Club
Nanaimo Science 3200 North Island Highway, NanaimoDoes your kid love LEGO? Register for this drop-off program where children are able to build and program LEGO creations using drag and drop programming. Sets available include WeDo, Boost and Mindstorms. Students will have the opportunity to build at their own pace and keep working on projects from one week... Read more
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